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Jordan Spangler

Associate Pastor for Discipleship, Outreach, & Young Adults

Kaila, Brody, me.JPG
Jordan's Favorite Verse:
Romans 8:31 

What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?

Jordan has been a member of Colonial Baptist since 2017. He and his wife Kaila worked with the Children's Ministry until he was called to lead our Young Adult ministry (MERGE). Jordan not only has a passion to see young adults change the world for Christ but also has a passion for church media and helps our church with social media, our website, and graphic design.


Jordan also serves as the Department Chaplain for the Botetourt County Department of Fire & EMS.


Before coming to Colonial he has served in youth ministries as well as children's ministries around Virginia.

 Jordan also taught in Christian education for six years, three of which he served as the Junior High Principal.


Jordan has a B.S. in Kinesiology from Liberty University and is currently working on his M.A. in Bible and Theology at Tyndale Theological Seminary and Bible Institute.  


Jordan and his wife Kaila have been apart of the pastoral staff since 2022. They have been blessed with one son named Brody. 

Email Pastor Jordan


221 Hillcrest St

Blue Ridge, VA 24064


Contact Us

Phone: (540) 977-5683

Service Times


9:30 | Sunday School / ABF Groups

10:30 | Worship Service 


6:45 PM | Teen Services

7:00 PM | Children and Adult Worship Services

Office Hours

Monday - Friday  8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

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Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 550 Blue Ridge, VA 24064

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