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Title: “Museum of the Bible”

Pastor Marvin Wegner

The Museum of the Bible is a state-of-the-art museum in Washington DC. It chronicles the history, narratives, and influences of our Bible from its very beginnings to the present-day translations. Pastor Joel and I spent a one-day conference with Pioneer Bible Translators in the museum. We took a one-hour tour of the museum by the leading curator. He has spent years and years reading and researching the circumstances, background, and the writers of the Bible. It was fabulous. The museum opened in 2017 and contains more than 40,000 objects and artifacts. There are 6 floors, and each floor focuses on a different theme. The average time to go through the museum is 3 to 4 hours, but you can spend days learning and meditating on what God has given us.

Two areas of the museum that impacted me that I saw. One, was the influence that the Bible had on our country. The Bible penetrates the core of our country. It is throughout our history and culture from George Washington to Abraham Lincoln, and to Billy Graham. You can find scripture on our government buildings inside and out. It has been in our schools for 200 years. It is in the court system. Our towns and cities have Bible names, Jerusalem, Sardis, Jerico, Salem, and many more. We even quote the Bible often, "thorn in one’s side" Numbers 33:55, "there is nothing new under the sun", Ecclesiastes 1:9, and "skin of one’s teeth", Job 19:20 and many more. We cannot get away from the influence that the Bible has had on our country. Probably a lot of you reading this article have a Bible name. Our country has been blessed by the Bible.

The second area that impacted me was the Illumination Room. This is a room that contains a copy of all the languages that have the entire Bible, the languages that have part of the Bible, and then the ones that do not have any scripture in their language. There are 1,268 languages (there-about) that are without any start of a Bible translation which covers 1 billion people. This room was sobering. Bible translation is an important part of going into all the world and preaching the Gospel.

The Museum of the Bible is a must-see for every believer. Be encouraged today.

Pastor Marvin.

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