Week of: February 5th
Deaths |
Hubert Harmon - Jewell Spickard's Brother
Richard Rock - Mike Rock’s dad
John Riggs - Abby Rock’s grandfather
Recent Requests |
Hospitals & Rehab
Patsy Atkins - at Lewis Gale Rehab – recovering from a fall
Aaron Beals - Karen Little’s father – at Friendship Health & Rehab – recovering from a fall
Sylvia Epperly - in Friendship Manor RM 417
Health & Other Needs
Cancer: Brian Adams, Emory King, Jr., Eunice Hall, JR (Pastor Jordan’s neighbor), Stephen Smiraldo, Jeff Summers, Reggie Williams, Roger Huebner (67), Dee Choate (online request, now cancer free!), Diana Day, Marvin Garrison, Dennis Akers, W.C. Adams
Salvation: Stephen Kerr, Tony Rash, Sarah Smith’s father (Song), Martha Strickler (George Lawson’s Mom), Joanne Monday’s 3 great-grandchildren, Mike McNeely, Julius Colman (Eliane William’s brother)
Louise Bobbitt - recovering from her medical procedure, rejoicing that she is cancer-free
Brenda Cooper - was diagnosed with avascular necrosis and hip replacement surgery scheduled in 1st quarter of 2025. Mass is benign!
Sandra Downey - diagnosed with a cancerous blood disorder
Glen Fogg - Beverly Fogg’s son- has serious health issues
Pastor Bobby Harris - Jeremy Savage’s request – has 2 tears in his shoulder, and his muscle is deteriorating, had surgery 2/4
Brian Horst - restoration for him and his family
Erika Kitts - 13-year-old at church facing serious health issues
John & Rhonda Lennon missionaries to Ecuador – recently had to flee the country due to leading too many Muslims to Christ
Linda - Jan Wang’s niece – just diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer
Jamie Mauck - John & Tammy Spangler’s friend – had cirrhosis of the liver, liver transplant surgery was 2/3
Stephanie McDaniel - recovering from pneumonia
Joyce McPherson - recovering from having cervical spine surgery at her home
Debra Newman - has stage 4 liver disease
Kris Ramsingh - with Dominion Upholstery (company working on our pews) – in India on a mission trip with Rick Via and Tom Turner
Janet Rock - Mike Rock’s stepmom – at home continuing to do physical therapy
The Walker Family - Joe Walker is at Western VA Regional Jail in Salem
Noel Walker - recovering from shoulder surgery
Pastor Joel & Micah Wegner – going to Indonesia on a missions trip from Feb. 27th – March 8th
War in Israel - we are commanded to pray for peace in Jerusalem (Psalm 122:6)
Church Requests
From Sunday’s message: May we be a unifier and not a divider.
Missionary Focus: The Benders - Scotland
Sportsman’s Dinner - THIS Saturday
Auditorium Update Project. Pray for wisdom and direction from the Lord as construction has begun!
Opportunity to purchase Mr. Bob Leonard’s property adjacent to the church. We have a business meeting Feb. 16th.
Local – National – Global Gospel Explosion
50 By Faith - our goal is 2035