Our most recent missions trip was to New York City!
Check out the reports of this amazing trip below!
​​Our team taking off to NYC for a week of serving The Lord! 

Outdoor Ministry​
Our team got the opportunity to share The Gospel in front of Madison Square Garden and Penn Station for three days!
In this time we had multiple fellow believers offer encouragement to our team, we were able to hand out a ton of tracts about Christ Jesus, and multiple members of our team had the opportunity to pray with and share The Gospel with multiple people!
Join us in praying for the seeds that were planted!

Our team had the opportunity to share The Gospel and serve in three English speaking services, a Spanish speaking service, a Cantonese speaking service, and a Mandarin speaking service during this week of service!

Food Distribution Ministry​
Our team had multiple opportunities to give food to those in need after the various services this week! Not only did we give out food boxes, we also had the opportunity to prepare those boxes throughout the week!

Please keep those that we served this week in your prayers as The Lord works in their hearts and minds!