We are so excited that we can finally meet in person again! To adhere to the guidelines for reopening houses of worship, Colonial Baptist is implementing the following practices for our church:
Service Opportunities:
The current guidelines require that religious services be limited to no more than 50% capacity. To accommodate for this guideline we are now offering the following services on Sunday mornings:
8:00 a.m. | Drive - In Service
9:30 a.m. | ABF's / Sunday School
10:30 a.m. |In - Person Service (this service will also be live-streamed on our churches facebook page)
For our In - Person Services we ask that you review the following questions on behalf of your health and the health of all those attending the service:
1. Am I showing any flu-like symptoms?
2. Have I had a fever within the last 14 days?
3. Have I had prolonged exposure to someone who has tested positive for Covid-19?
4. Is there any medical reason why I shouldn't be around others during this time?
If you answered yes to any of those questions or if you are still not totally comfortable with coming to an indoor service yet we encourage you to attend either our Drive - In Service or join us online this week.
What steps have we taken to best ensure the health and safety of you and your family?
All main entrances will be open to ensure that there is as little touching as possible coming in and out of the building and sanctuary.
You will find hand sanitizing stations available throughout the church. Additionally our staff is working to make sure all areas are cleaned after services and throughout the week.
Face Masks:
The Governor of Virginia has required that everyone 10 years old and older wear a face mask / covering when indoors. As a result we are asking that face coverings be worn during our indoor services. We do have face masks available and if you would like one please see a member of our welcome team and they will be happy to grab you a face mask. If you have a medical condition in which the wearing of a mask is dangerous to your health, the Governor has stated that you are not required to wear a mask. Thank you for understanding as we all go through this time together!
Our restrooms are open and available for use and will be routinely cleaned by our staff.
Social Distancing:
In order to maintain the 6 ft. social distancing requirement we have marked off every other pew in the sanctuary. Family members are allowed to sit together but we ask if you are sharing a pew with another family to be mindful of the space between your family and theirs.